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R290 and the HFC refrigerant phase-down CPD

If you are passionate about staying ahead of the curve and want to keep up to date on the latest developments in the field, then this is for you!

The Cooltherm team developed a Continuing Professional Development (CPD) module focusing on two critical aspects:

  • R290
  • HFC refrigerant phase-down.

R290, a natural refrigerant with a GWP of just 3, has gained significant attention due to its energy efficiency and low environmental impact. It is a suitable alternative to hydrofluorocarbon (HFC) refrigerants, which are currently being phased down globally due to their high global warming potential.

Our CPD course will provide insights into the properties and the application of R290 in commercial chillers, especially heat pumps, a product in high demand with the demise of the gas boiler for heating.

Contact the team today to request a CPD session.

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